Young girls meet Vice President Kamala Harris and they can't stop smiling

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Young girls meet Vice President Kamala Harris and they can't stop smiling

A special moment took place during Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent visit, and it was captured on camera. Right after stepping off the plane, Harris had a heartwarming interaction with two young girls, Eva and Gabby Carter, who were waiting on the tarmac.

Seven-year-old Eva and six-year-old Gabby, along with their mother Naomi Carter, were invited by the Greater Philadelphia YMCA to meet the Vice President. Their excitement was clear as they presented Harris with a special gift: a drawing they had made, along with a heartfelt note.

The note read, "Dear Miss Kamala Harris, thank you for being the vice president of the United States of America," Naomi shared.

Eva and Gabby even missed a day of school to have this memorable encounter. But the experience was educational in more ways than one. Eva was thrilled to learn that Air Force 2, the Vice President’s plane, is real. She also took away a valuable lesson from Harris.

“She told me that when you shake hands, you should look the person in the eye,” Eva said. Naomi described Harris as a role model and was thrilled to share this special experience with her daughters. She hopes the memory will inspire them for years to come.

“I want them to know that they can achieve anything they dream of, whether it’s becoming the Vice President, a doctor, a lawyer, or even a ninja or ballerina,” Naomi said with a smile.

Both Gabby and Eva told CBS News Philadelphia that they were a mix of nervous and excited to meet the Vice President. Naomi added that Harris cherished the drawing and note from the girls, and it might even find its way to the White House.

It’s a touching reminder of how moments like these can make lasting memories and inspire young hearts.

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(via CBS News Philadelphia )

Young girls meet Vice President Kamala Harris and they can't stop smiling

Young girls meet Vice President Kamala Harris and they can't stop smiling

A special moment took place during Vice President Kamala Harris’s recent visit, and it was captured on camera. Right after stepping off the plane, Harris had a heartwarming interaction with two young girls, Eva and Gabby Carter, who were waiting on the tarmac.

Seven-year-old Eva and six-year-old Gabby, along with their mother Naomi Carter, were invited by the Greater Philadelphia YMCA to meet the Vice President. Their excitement was clear as they presented Harris with a special gift: a drawing they had made, along with a heartfelt note.

The note read, "Dear Miss Kamala Harris, thank you for being the vice president of the United States of America," Naomi shared.

Eva and Gabby even missed a day of school to have this memorable encounter. But the experience was educational in more ways than one. Eva was thrilled to learn that Air Force 2, the Vice President’s plane, is real. She also took away a valuable lesson from Harris.

“She told me that when you shake hands, you should look the person in the eye,” Eva said. Naomi described Harris as a role model and was thrilled to share this special experience with her daughters. She hopes the memory will inspire them for years to come.

“I want them to know that they can achieve anything they dream of, whether it’s becoming the Vice President, a doctor, a lawyer, or even a ninja or ballerina,” Naomi said with a smile.

Both Gabby and Eva told CBS News Philadelphia that they were a mix of nervous and excited to meet the Vice President. Naomi added that Harris cherished the drawing and note from the girls, and it might even find its way to the White House.

It’s a touching reminder of how moments like these can make lasting memories and inspire young hearts.

Watch the video here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via CBS News Philadelphia )

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