People say she's too big for ‘Thin Boyfriend,’ her response is perfect

  heroes life
People say she's too big for ‘Thin Boyfriend,’ her response is perfect

Melissa Gibson was excited to post a picture of herself in a sparkly dress, holding her boyfriend, Jonathan. She thought it was just a happy moment, like any couple would share when they’re in love.

But right after she posted the picture on Instagram, some people started saying mean things to her. They left rude comments, saying that she was “too big” for her “thin boyfriend.”

It’s hard to believe that anyone would say something so mean, thinking it would do anything but cause sadness. They seemed to expect Melissa to break up with Jonathan right away.

But that’s not what happened. Instead, Melissa decided to stand up to the mean people.

She posted another picture from that night with a strong message.

“When taking a picture in a sparkly dress next to the man you love makes people comment about your body, question your relationship, and make judgments about him for loving you. Our relationship is natural, and if the world won’t just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, our space, and our right to be accepted and celebrated.”

Melissa also pointed out how silly it was that their happiness together bothered some people.

“We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what? Our bodies are a part of that.”

Since then, Melissa has received lots of support. We hope the upset people learned to think before posting silly and rude comments.Love is something everyone deserves, and we should be happy for others when they find it. We shouldn’t judge or question their happiness.

Watch the video here:

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(via Melissa Gibson )

People say she's too big for ‘Thin Boyfriend,’ her response is perfect

People say she's too big for ‘Thin Boyfriend,’ her response is perfect

Melissa Gibson was excited to post a picture of herself in a sparkly dress, holding her boyfriend, Jonathan. She thought it was just a happy moment, like any couple would share when they’re in love.

But right after she posted the picture on Instagram, some people started saying mean things to her. They left rude comments, saying that she was “too big” for her “thin boyfriend.”

It’s hard to believe that anyone would say something so mean, thinking it would do anything but cause sadness. They seemed to expect Melissa to break up with Jonathan right away.

But that’s not what happened. Instead, Melissa decided to stand up to the mean people.

She posted another picture from that night with a strong message.

“When taking a picture in a sparkly dress next to the man you love makes people comment about your body, question your relationship, and make judgments about him for loving you. Our relationship is natural, and if the world won’t just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, our space, and our right to be accepted and celebrated.”

Melissa also pointed out how silly it was that their happiness together bothered some people.

“We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what? Our bodies are a part of that.”

Since then, Melissa has received lots of support. We hope the upset people learned to think before posting silly and rude comments.Love is something everyone deserves, and we should be happy for others when they find it. We shouldn’t judge or question their happiness.

Watch the video here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Melissa Gibson )

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