There's a moment that's catching a lot of attention online. It shows former President Donald Trump stopping not once, but twice to help a Marine whose hat blew off at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, USA. This took place on a Saturday when Mr. Trump was returning to the White House in Washington, D.C., after a trip to Germany for a big meeting.

So, what happened exactly? The Marine was standing next to Mr. Trump’s helicopter, known as Marine One, when a strong gust of wind blew the Marine's hat off. The interesting part is that Marines are required to stay still and not move to retrieve their hats in situations like this.

While Mr. Trump was talking with another military member, he noticed the Marine’s hat had fallen. He didn’t ignore it. Instead, he quickly bent down, picked up the hat, and walked over to the Marine to put it back on his head, giving him a friendly pat. How kind!

But just as everyone thought the situation was resolved, the hat blew off again! This time, both Mr. Trump and his friend tried to catch it. Eventually, Mr. Trump handed the hat to his friend and then boarded the helicopter.

The video of Mr. Trump helping the Marine has quickly gone viral, with many people online praising him for his thoughtful gesture. It’s nice to see such acts of kindness getting recognition.

Moments like these, where people help each other, remind us of the goodness in the world. Sharing these stories can inspire us all to be more kind and considerate.
Watch the video here:
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(via Trump Instagram , YouTube )