Cowboy sees younger woman, then makes her day

  faith in humanity heroes
Cowboy sees younger woman, then makes her day

Imani Shugga Simon recently shared a touching moment on social media that has captured everyone’s attention. The story starts when she and her young daughter were shopping in a mall in Texas.

While they were there, a stranger approached them. The man told Imani that his granddaughter was in a hospital in Houston, battling a serious illness. He shared that he had always been told, “If you see a seed, plant a seed.”

To help out, he handed Imani a $100 bill and asked her to use it to buy something special for her daughter, as a way to support both her own family and his granddaughter.

This random guy walked up to me while I was at the mall with my grand baby sitting at the table.He said excuse me ma’am I replied yes sir. He said my grand baby is in Houston hospital fighting for her life. He said he was always told, if you see a need plant a seed. He handed me a 100 dollars and stated he wanted to plant a seed with me for his grand baby.

He said ma’am please go get that baby something for Christmas for me from my grand baby, Merry Christmas 😭😭😭. Please keep him and his grand baby lifted in prayer. Just thought I would share.I know I have some real prayer warriors down my timeline.

This kind act has really warmed hearts everywhere and reminds us all of the power of kindness and generosity.

Watch the video here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Mandisa Zenaya Mlitwa Instagram )

Cowboy sees younger woman, then makes her day

Cowboy sees younger woman, then makes her day

Imani Shugga Simon recently shared a touching moment on social media that has captured everyone’s attention. The story starts when she and her young daughter were shopping in a mall in Texas.

While they were there, a stranger approached them. The man told Imani that his granddaughter was in a hospital in Houston, battling a serious illness. He shared that he had always been told, “If you see a seed, plant a seed.”

To help out, he handed Imani a $100 bill and asked her to use it to buy something special for her daughter, as a way to support both her own family and his granddaughter.

This random guy walked up to me while I was at the mall with my grand baby sitting at the table.He said excuse me ma’am I replied yes sir. He said my grand baby is in Houston hospital fighting for her life. He said he was always told, if you see a need plant a seed. He handed me a 100 dollars and stated he wanted to plant a seed with me for his grand baby.

He said ma’am please go get that baby something for Christmas for me from my grand baby, Merry Christmas 😭😭😭. Please keep him and his grand baby lifted in prayer. Just thought I would share.I know I have some real prayer warriors down my timeline.

This kind act has really warmed hearts everywhere and reminds us all of the power of kindness and generosity.

Watch the video here:

If this story inspired you, spread it with someone who needs to read it. Stay Inspired

(via Mandisa Zenaya Mlitwa Instagram )

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