Imagine collecting pennies for 45 whole years! That's what Otha Anders from Louisiana did, and when he finally took them to the bank, it left everyone amazed.

Back in the late 1960s, Anders started collecting pennies, not for money, but because he simply enjoyed it. Even when the government offered extra cash for turning in pennies, Anders wasn't at all interested. For him, the joy came from having the collection of pennies itself.

But there was more to Anders' penny collecting than just coins. He saw each penny as a little reminder to stop and say a prayer. Whether he found one while getting gas or in a store, it was his cue to pause and be thankful.Anders was so dedicated to his collection that he never accepted pennies from anyone else as gifts. He wanted each coin to be earned, a symbol of his journey with God.

Over time, collecting pennies became a way for Anders to stay grateful. He noticed that on days when he wasn't feeling thankful enough, a penny would somehow find its way to him, reminding him of all he had to be grateful for.
The collection grew and grew until Anders had filled a whopping 15 giant water jugs with pennies. Originally, he aimed to fill just five, but he couldn't stop there. Eventually, he knew he had to take them to the bank.When Anders found out his homeowner's insurance wouldn't cover the value of his collection, he turned to Origin Bank for help. It was a big task to count all those pennies, but the bank was happy to assist.

Opening the jars took hours, and in the end, it was revealed that Anders had collected a jaw-dropping 513,614 pennies. That amounted to over $5,000!
So, what started as a simple hobby turned into a remarkable journey of gratitude and dedication for Otha Anders. And his story reminds us that sometimes, the smallest things can hold the most value.
Watch the amazing video below:
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(via ABC News)